Botanical name Endiandra muelleri
A common name Muellers Walnut
Young plant

I found this young Endiandra muelleri in amongst a dense grove of Large Leaf Privett seedlings just down hill from the larger specimen pictured below. It had some really nice yellowish green shoots. That was the day before I took the photo. A Swamp Wallaby has been snacking.
This plant now has a cage and I will get a new photo with shoots, they are quite distinctive.
Among the other plants in the Privett was a nice Dysoxylum fraserianum seedling, it still needs a cage but they only seem to be nibbled once they start their growth phase. Popular Swamp Wallaby food from about 15 to 45cm tall.
Reasonably mature

That said, to get positive ID for this plant I had to resort to a small blaze, actually a circular gouge with the point of a pair of loppers. I compared the layering down to the sap wood with information in Floyd (2008 p.197)

A spur butress on a smaller Muellers Walnut, about 15 metres tall.

Some detail of the trunk on the same tree as above.
I should get some images of much more mature trunks further along the block. I also pass by a nice bushy specimen every so often so I should also get some photos of the flowers and fruit.